A big mug of coffee 5 times a day at best. Finally measuring the amount it came to small 15 cups a day. With milk and sweeteners. More about that later.

The nutrition was not exactly built of wrong ingredients, but the schedule to consume them was not balanced and the metabolism has clearly slowed down after reaching the age over 50.

The psychology behind the failure is grim. I’m not particularly good doing workouts or jogging. Also malformed vertebrae limit the joys of sporting. No patience, I have had the attention span of a squirrel in a nut storm since I was born(even before starting the coffee!). The constant depression helps nada.
It’s a vicious circle. The weight goes up, the walks grow shorter and the depression worse. Motivation is non-existent, it’s an uphill battle even to write something, doing my stuff.

It was time for a diet. After all this long road of resistance, I picked the one that had been used by family and was clearly bringing results(I’m not promoting by specifying names, sorry).
After all, it has not been so bad.
About the coffee, it was not totally forbidden but I decided to drop it for the duration. After two days without, I got a helluva headache that lasted one evening. I guess it was the last of the caffeine saying bye-bye. The initial phase of the diet is closing its end. No salt, no sugar. Breakfast has consisted of a boiled egg, yoghurt and green tea. Meals are usually chicken, fish and veggie salad. Lots of water.

All these are boosted with dietary supplements taking care of the functioning body: Vitamins, calcium, magnesium, manganese, amino acid, fibres etc. Protein is very dominant in the nutrition.

I took the initial measures of my body at the start and did not touch the weight scale until the first week was gone: I had lost several kilograms and also several centimeters from my waistline. It was working. The results were not as big next week but the process is on. Apart from the headache at the start I have had no problems going on with the diet. There has not been real hunger, only the munchies in odd times.

The best part is, the walks have felt virtually floating. And apparently I can write something, if not a dull description of a diet.

The next phase consists of my own plan to move back into salt, sugar and more varied meals but with strictly measured amounts. I’ve always hated reading the food product descriptions but this not a game anymore.

At least I get my coffee back. Wish me luck.