First modern tale yarned but not published. I proofread it and then suddenly added working title and first paragraph for the next story. Initially I had three ideas for today’s world and why not create a little anthology, perhaps with connections(if not twists) inheriting from tale to tale. So prepare for another addendum to mass of (expletive with word ‘quality’)?

I’m rather disappointed with any sporting: I thought a bicycle trip and a jogging per day would keep mind fresh; but apart from day’s work, I’m in finals for the evenings. Hence the weak level of blogging or even tweeting. Wiffy has filled kitchen with all kind of vitamins but the feeling is still pathetic, and the dark era of the year is about! Most northern spot I lived was 11-month military trip to Sodankyla in Lapland but our sergeants kept us industrious, months long darkness went unnotified, not the cold though. Drills in peak minus 45 degrees Celsius(-49F?) were quite refreshing.  Now decades later, moved to south, I’m desperate at -20C. Tittycheek.

Well, must keep self industrious.